See what you missed? Can you stand the excitement ...
* Monthly meeting last Friday of month to be held at Traveller’s Rest at 7.30pm. Bring any old auto magazines for swapping.
* Away days. Planned for Sunday 23rd November either Mouldsworth Motor Museum, Anson Engine Museum in Poynton or Oulton Park. Which one would you prefer? Final location to be published on notice board and club blog. All types of vehicles welcome.
* Further suggestions for Away Days next year include Thundersprint. Any other ideas? Let us know.
* Christmas meal mid-December at Travellers. Either Friday or Sunday – which do you prefer? Let us know.
* Web site to be designed. Need to raise funds for this – donation on away-day.
* Dedicated noticeboard to be set up in Traveller’s Rest.
Next meeting Friday 28th November 7.30pm Traveller’s Rest.
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alan garner
regarding news letter on travs notice board.should read we need 8 plus more members to enable the stamping of 100 + lapel badges.
we have 38 machine badges in stock for new members wishing to join the club.
dave hough.
I have ammended the notes of last meeting - apologies for confusion over number of badges required - must be the Stella!
See you on the 19th - Dave H has spoken to Dave Lander who will be providing us with a buffet.
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