Wednesday, 20 January 2010

January MCAC meeting

17th MCAC monthly meeting – 11/01/2010

Ray Cresham (chairman), Dave Hough, Steve Stamper, Andy Bennett (notes), Alan Trousdale, Joe Murphy, Pete Marshall, Ila.

Club reports:
Need to set up a committee to arrange Xmas cavalcade by September.
Web site – got domain name. RC’s son will attend next meeting to get requirements to design website. Agreed club will pay for this – need quote.
Pound the bounds 16th May 2010 – At last events committee meeting RC advised MCAC would be able to provide marshalls for the checkpoints (most vehicle accessible). More details to follow.
Membership – Welcomed Ila and Rob as members of MCAC

SOCIAL EVENT - 28th Jan 2010 - 2000hrs Dominoes might against Sea fishing club
Friendly match and social opportunity to meet members of the other club in the Travellers. Ila donated MCAC with a trophy that can be given to winning team, Joe will arrange to get it inscribed. Hopefully this will be the first of other similar events. A darts night is planned in February with other teams from the village.

Gazebo :RC found two types of gazebo at reasonable price – 3mx3m @£79 or 6mx3m @ £129. (My gazebo is 3x3 and got quite crowded at Crow Fair).
Agreed club would buy 6m x 3m one as this gives space for display and motorcycle equipment – lids etc. Will need to get some funds – thanks for following donations made on the night – Dave H £5, Ray C £5, Andy B £5, Joe M £5, Travellers Rest £10 – total £30.

Advertising: RC will produce MCAC posters adverting meetings and arrange for them to be displayed outside co-op, Lion and Post Office. Offer from Ila to included MCAC advert in paper.

Membership: RC and AB to design renewal slips to be sent to members who do not regularly attend meetings.

Meetings: Agreed these will be now moved to fortnightly.

Runs out & Events: Goodwood festival of speed 2, 3, 4 July – 30 miles from Southampton, Saturday 3rd £48, full weekend £103.Chomondley pageant of power, July 17, 18. Park only no access£15, paddock and park £20 -30, can get a discount for a club. Next open day Easter Sunday – discuss next meet.

Next meeting Monday 25th January 2030 hrs at Travs