Wednesday, 20 January 2010

January MCAC meeting

17th MCAC monthly meeting – 11/01/2010

Ray Cresham (chairman), Dave Hough, Steve Stamper, Andy Bennett (notes), Alan Trousdale, Joe Murphy, Pete Marshall, Ila.

Club reports:
Need to set up a committee to arrange Xmas cavalcade by September.
Web site – got domain name. RC’s son will attend next meeting to get requirements to design website. Agreed club will pay for this – need quote.
Pound the bounds 16th May 2010 – At last events committee meeting RC advised MCAC would be able to provide marshalls for the checkpoints (most vehicle accessible). More details to follow.
Membership – Welcomed Ila and Rob as members of MCAC

SOCIAL EVENT - 28th Jan 2010 - 2000hrs Dominoes might against Sea fishing club
Friendly match and social opportunity to meet members of the other club in the Travellers. Ila donated MCAC with a trophy that can be given to winning team, Joe will arrange to get it inscribed. Hopefully this will be the first of other similar events. A darts night is planned in February with other teams from the village.

Gazebo :RC found two types of gazebo at reasonable price – 3mx3m @£79 or 6mx3m @ £129. (My gazebo is 3x3 and got quite crowded at Crow Fair).
Agreed club would buy 6m x 3m one as this gives space for display and motorcycle equipment – lids etc. Will need to get some funds – thanks for following donations made on the night – Dave H £5, Ray C £5, Andy B £5, Joe M £5, Travellers Rest £10 – total £30.

Advertising: RC will produce MCAC posters adverting meetings and arrange for them to be displayed outside co-op, Lion and Post Office. Offer from Ila to included MCAC advert in paper.

Membership: RC and AB to design renewal slips to be sent to members who do not regularly attend meetings.

Meetings: Agreed these will be now moved to fortnightly.

Runs out & Events: Goodwood festival of speed 2, 3, 4 July – 30 miles from Southampton, Saturday 3rd £48, full weekend £103.Chomondley pageant of power, July 17, 18. Park only no access£15, paddock and park £20 -30, can get a discount for a club. Next open day Easter Sunday – discuss next meet.

Next meeting Monday 25th January 2030 hrs at Travs

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Crow fair 2009

hey dudes

here are some of the groovy pics from the crow fair!!!! (Yay woooo!!!)

yes dad is forcing me to work (child labour) so i have to put these pictures on.

Thanks to pete marshall for taking the fab pics!!!! =)

More to follow tomorrow!!!!!!



CLARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

(andy's daughter)

Monday, 15 December 2008

Christmas Do

Christmas is coming, the pub is where it's at-
Please put a penny in .... the Traveller's Rest bar?

Christmas do in the Traveller's Rest, Friday 19th from - I don't know - whenever people turn up in the evening I guess, until you all get thrown out. Think there's food as well. I'll be babysitting (well, she's 12, actually)...

Hang on - just been told it's half seven on Friday. So be there before the sarnies get eaten. And don't forget the Santa hat and the mistletoe.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Highlights of MCAC meeting at Traveller’s Rest on 31st October 2008

See what you missed? Can you stand the excitement ...

* Monthly meeting last Friday of month to be held at Traveller’s Rest at 7.30pm. Bring any old auto magazines for swapping.
* Away days. Planned for Sunday 23rd November either Mouldsworth Motor Museum, Anson Engine Museum in Poynton or Oulton Park. Which one would you prefer? Final location to be published on notice board and club blog. All types of vehicles welcome.
* Further suggestions for Away Days next year include Thundersprint. Any other ideas? Let us know.
* Christmas meal mid-December at Travellers. Either Friday or Sunday – which do you prefer? Let us know.
* Web site to be designed. Need to raise funds for this – donation on away-day.
* Dedicated noticeboard to be set up in Traveller’s Rest.

Next meeting Friday 28th November 7.30pm Traveller’s Rest.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Meeting of MCAC on Friday 31st October

The second meeting of MCAC will be held in the Travellers Rest at 1900 hrs on Friday 31/10/08. Yes, that's Halloween, but don't worry, nobody will laugh at you if you turn up in your pumpkin outfit, honest! Oh and don't bring the batmobile (sorry, car) as this is a non-vehicle event.

The purpose of this meeting is to identify volunteers to help run the club e.g. organising events, maintenance of website, planning trips, treasurer etc. We also want to compile a list of members and maybe sort out some social events, like a Christmas get-together

Email Andy (andyDOTbennett10ATbtinternetDOTcom) if you've got any other ideas!

Monday, 25 August 2008

Meeting at Traveller's Rest, Moulton 25/8/08

Here's the inaugural meeting of the Moulton Crows Auto Club (MCAC). Held in the Traveller's Rest car park on Bank Holiday Monday (25th August 2008), there was a variety of vehicles on display, including a truck, several motorbikes, a quad bike and a vintage car.

For a bank holiday, the weather held, the pub sold lots of beer, tea and coffee and a good time was had by all.

"Best in Show" was won by Alan Garner with his ERF truck (no - I'm a girl - I have no idea what that means. It was a blue one ...). This was judged by Dave, the Traveller's Rest landlord and awarded in appreciation of the truck's long and varied history, having been owned by Alan since new.

Anyone who paid for a commemorative metal badge for this event will be contacted in the next few weeks. Remember these badges will only be issued to people turning up at an event with a vehicle, so don't miss out on your collection by not turning up at the next one!

Keep an eye on this blog for details of future events.